Below is the ACC recent Press Release. If you have any ceramics marked WYKSTRA or with a conjoined V and W, please get in touch. These may be products of the pottery which I am researching. To see some examples of the VW Pottery, you can go to my Vander Meulen family blog and scroll down to the pix on the left hand side. Click the title of this post to go to the rest of the announcement and the ACC website.
"The American Ceramic Circle has awarded Leslie Vander Meulen Canavan a grant in support of original research in the history of ceramics. Leslie will conduct research on the small, but important, early twentieth-century pottery, the Van der Meulen & Wykstra Art Pottery Co. of Dunkirk, NY. The pottery was founded in 1905 by Leslie’s great great uncle, Theake Van der Meulen, a Dutch immigrant, and his partner Gerrit Wykstra.
The ACC awards up to $5,000 for expenses associated with the preparation of scholarly papers based on original research in the history of ceramics. Grant recipients are required to offer completed papers for publication in the American Ceramic Circle Journal and may be invited to speak at an annual ACC symposium. The next deadline for completed applications is April 1, 2012.
An application form and a statement of general principles pertaining to the grants process are available on the website, Questions may be addressed to ACC Grants Chairman, Anne Forschler-Tarrasch, Curator of Decorative Arts, Birmingham Museum of Art, 2000 Rev. Abraham Woods, Jr. Blvd., Birmingham, AL 35203-2278 or
Founded in 1970, the American Ceramic Circle promotes scholarship and research in the history, use and preservation of ceramics. Symposia are held in early November at various museums around the country. A limited number of scholarships to the symposia are available for students. For information about membership and publications, contact Executive Director, Suzanne Findlen Hood,"
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